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Procurement Coordinator

For one of our customers we are now looking for a Procurement Coordinator

Job responsibilities:

  • Procurement activities for the acquisition of goods and services according to company, corporate and statutory, within subsea and/or topside
  • Document the activities in the applicable contract management system
  • Support the business during the Contract life-cycle
  • Establish high-quality contracts with logical structure, consistent requirements and precise wording (strategy, tendering, award, follow-up/management/execution and close-out activities.
  • Identify key SCM risks and opportunities
  • Manage contracts from a commercial point of view
  • Support Field Development and Exploration & Production to meet their goals by delivering procurement activities, i.e.:
  • Develop overall and specific procurement strategies
  • Develop and issue Invitation to Tender documents
  • Communicate clearly with tenderers during tendering period
  • Objectively evaluate received proposals from tenderers based on prepared Evaluation Procedure
  • Prepare and hold/chair clarification meetings as required
  • Develop and present recommendations for award
  • Finalize contract documents and award contracts
  • Align expectations from different stakeholders
  • Ensure energetic teams
  • Build a culture of trust and collaboration between Company and Contractors
  • Provide business unit with necessary support during Contract period.

Your qualifications:

  • Bachelor degree or Cand. Mag (180-240 ECTS) i Logistics, Material & Transportation or Other
  • 6+ years of relevant experience

To be accepted as a candidate you must be located within EU – preferable in Norway with valid work permit

Job Specifications:

The application deadline for this position is ASAP, but we will also consider candidates for similar or other relevant positions consecutively.

Workplace: Stavanger

Start: 03.04.2023

Duration: 31.10.2024

Contki Ressursert tilbyr deg som ansatt:

  • Faglig utvikling og fleksibilitet gjennom å jobbe i prosjekter hos store offentlige og private virksomheter
  • God oppfølging av våre medarbeidere
  • Gode forsikrings- og pensjonsordninger

I Contiki Ressurser vektlegger vi å være tett på våre ansatte og vi fokuserer på å være en profesjonell, trygg og hyggelig arbeidsgiver hvor du tydelig skal merke at fokus er på deg.

Har du spørsmål rundt stillingen er det bare å kontakte meg, Marina Isdal, på e-post: eller på telefon 98236403. Hvis du mener at dette er jobben for deg – send en utfyllende CV og en kort beskrivelse av hvorfor du søker til og vi tar kontakt med aktuelle kandidater for en samtale.